The Nintendo Switch 2 was officially unveiled, and there's plenty for you to get caught up on
The Nintendo Switch 2 was officially unveiled, and there's plenty for you to get caught up on | Are you going to buy a Nintendo Switch 2? | Dynasty Warriors: Origins' "stripped back approach champions the explosive combat's focus on visceral clashes and tactile battlefields"
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We'll learn more about the system and its launch lineup in April, and hopefully receive a firm Switch 2 release date and pre-order details. While we wait, however, let's get you up-to-speed on all of our coverage so far with this special Nintendo Switch 2 Spotlight.
More than getting the series back in the saddle after the disappointing Dynasty Warriors 9, Dynasty Warriors: Origins evolves the genre and injects fresh excitement.
There's often quite a big difference between the number of people who start a game versus the amount who actually finish it, but RPG veteran Josh Sawyer says that doesn't matter.
Few games have been broken down and analyzed the way Super Mario 64 has, but I'm having a difficult time thinking of a more delightfully obscure piece of trivia than this.